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Why isn’t my photo uploading?

After tapping “Save”, wait for a few seconds. Sometimes the upload to your account is instantaneous; sometimes there can be a slight processing delay.

If your photo doesn’t appear, check your photos in the place they are stored. The file type and size of each photo should be given there.

Check that your photo is either a PNG or JPEG file type.

If the size says MB (megabyte) make sure it is under 15MBs.

If this doesn’t work, check that you are using the latest version of your web browser.

Our site works best with the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Edge. You can download any of these free here: 

You can verify if you are using the latest version of your browser here: 

If you need any further assistance, you can contact our customer service team by emailing For live support, you can contact us Monday through Friday, 9AM to 8PM, EST either by tapping the LiveChat link on the top of your Account page, or by calling 1-866-800-4640.

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