Why are recruiters not contacting me?
When a recruiter views your profile, you should receive an email notifying you about the view.
You can check your views in your account’s “Notifications” center. To do that:
Tap the “money bag” icon to the left of your name at the top right of your screen.
Tap "Recruiters" to see which recruiters have viewed your profile.
In general, the best solution to not being contacted by recruiters is an optimized resume.
To access a broad range of Ladders News articles dedicated to resumes:
Hover over “News” at the top of any page.
Choose “Resumes” from the drop down box.
To access the resumes section from here, follow this link: https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/topic/resumes
To access free resume resources from Ladders:
Hover over “Resume” at the top of any page.
Choose a free resource from the drop down box.
To visit free resources from this page, follow these links:
Resume Review in 35 Seconds or Less
Professional Resume Review by an Expert
73 Downloadable, Editable Resume Template Examples
Additionally, here is an article to help improve communication with recruiters:
10 questions to ask a recruiter (and 1 to avoid)
If you need any further assistance, you can contact our customer service team by emailing help@theladders.com. For live support, you can contact us Monday through Friday, 9AM to 8PM, EST either by tapping the LiveChat link on the top of your Account page, or by calling 1-866-800-4640.