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How can I delete my credit card?

Your credit card remains on your account until the subscription period has ended.

For accounting purposes, records of past payments and their methods are maintained.

Information of this type is protected through security compliance by Ladders with the standards set by the PCI Security Standards Council.

When your subscription period has ended and the account settled, your account is closed and no further charges are made.

To check your subscription from your account:

Tap your name in the top right of any page.
Tap “Membership” in the menu on the left of the screen.

You can also visit your subscription page by following this link: 

If you need any further assistance, you can contact our customer service team by emailing For live support, you can contact us Monday through Friday, 9AM to 8PM, EST either by tapping the LiveChat link on the top of your Account page, or by calling 1-866-800-4640.


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