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Does Ladders provide cover letter examples or templates?

Ladders offers 73 cover letter examples covering 73 professional jobs. These are offered with our 73 downloadable and editable resume templates — a free resource provided by Ladders to anybody who needs support in this area.

To access these from your account:

Hover over “Resume” from the options at the top of any page.
Tap “Free Resume Templates” from the drop down box.
Scroll to the “One Resume to Rule Them All...73 to Guide Them!” section of the page.

Choose a role that fits you.
Tap your choice and scroll down to the “Cover Letter Example” section.

To access the page from here follow this link: 

You can also find a wealth of advice and information about cover letters in our dedicated Cover Letters page on Ladders News.

To access your Cover Letters page:

Hover over “News” from the options at the top of any page.
Choose “Cover Letters” from the drop down box.

To access the page from here follow this link:  

If you need any further assistance, you can contact our customer service team by emailing For live support, you can contact us Monday through Friday, 9AM to 8PM, EST either by tapping the LiveChat link on the top of your Account page, or by calling 1-866-800-4640. 


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